Individuals who are hearing and/or speech impaired and have a TTY, may contact ADFA through the Statewide Relay System by calling (711) or (800) 285-1121 or (800) 285-1131 for TTY to Voice or TeleBraille. The relay operator should be asked to call ADFA at (501) 682-5900. Additional information is at the Arkansas Relay website Arkansas Relay offers Spanish relay service for our Spanish-speaking customers. Spanish-to-Spanish (711) or (866) 656-1842 or Spanish-to-English (711) or (800) 285-1131.
Arkansas le ofrece el servicio de relevo a nuestros clientes en español. Los consumidores de TTY pueden escribir por máquina en español y las conversaciones serán retransmitidas en español y inglés.
Language Assistance Plan
Language Assistant Planning and Self-Assessment Tool
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ISpeakCards 2024
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