July 11, 2024

Request for Proposals Administration of the Emergency Solutions Grant Program

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The Arkansas Development Finance Authority (“ADFA”) is seeking proposals from qualified firms to administer the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (“HUD’s”) Emergency Solutions Grant (“ESG”) Program. The successful firm must demonstrate direct experience in the administration of the ESG Program, the Consolidated Plan and any amendments thereto, and technical assistance in all aspects of the ESG Program. Expertise in any of the other federal requirements set forth in 24 CFR 576 will be viewed as an added benefit.


Responses to this Request for Proposals (“RFP”) shall be submitted electronically via email to:


Proposals shall be prepared simply and economically, providing a straightforward description of the respondent’s capabilities to satisfy the requirements of this RFP. Emphasis should be on completeness and clarity of content, including all attachments and work samples.

There is no express or implied obligation for ADFA to reimburse firms for any expenses incurred in preparing proposals in response to this request. All proposal prices must be good for a period of up to and including September 30, 2024.

Proposals must be received no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, July 26, 2024. Proposals submitted after the time and date specified in this RFP will not be considered.


ADFA, in its capacity as a public body politic and corporate of the State of Arkansas and by direction of the Governor, is responsible for the administration of the ESG Program.

The FY 2024 ESG Allocation for the State of Arkansas is $2,296,487.

In response to the transfer of the ESG Program to ADFA from the Department of Human Services, ADFA seeks to:

  • a. Consult with agencies and service providers whose clientele include the homeless population.
  • b. Develop ESG Program policies and procedures in the form of a written manual and develop forms for the program. The successful respondent will administer the ESG in accordance with the ESG Allocation Plan and 24 CFR 576. Each of these project components is further described below.
  • c. Secure an hourly rate basis for ongoing, as-needed technical assistance via telephone and/or email for a period of twelve months after the completion of the policies and procedures manual. The hourly rate technical assistance will provide assistance related to the ESG Program.

Assessment of Current Policies and Procedures

The selected firm will interview ADFA staff to review existing DHS protocols and perform limited file reviews to become familiar with the written agreements, program forms, and internal policies. Based on such review, the firm will compile an inventory of updated ESG policies and procedures for ADFA.

Review of Best Practices and HUD Requirements and Guidance

Following the assessment, the selected firm will compare previously established ESG Program policies and procedures to the requirements of all applicable HUD rules, regulations, notices, program guides, handbooks, and other published guidance. From these activities, the firm will provide a written assessment and recommendation of ESG Program best practices for discussion with ADFA.

Development of Recommendations and Documents

The selected firm will develop recommendations based on the assessment activities in the foregoing paragraphs and advise ADFA with respect to (i) operational changes and (ii) amendments to and supplementation of existing Program forms and documents. All such recommendations and advice must be reflected in a written, step-by-step work plan for carrying out program changes.

The selected firm will develop a collection of Program forms and documents for ADFA’s use in the governance and management of the ESG Program and compliance tracking. Documents may include new templates, flow charts, checklists and/or modifications to existing forms and documents.

Policies and Procedures Manual

The selected firm will produce a comprehensive policies and procedures manual for ADFA’s ESG Program. Staff will use the manual as a basis for making funding decisions, governing day-to-day operations, and assisting grantees to understand and maintain program compliance. In addition to any other topics that are required under the HUD regulations the manual must include the following:

  • Cost allocation and subsidy layering See 24 CFR 576.300 - 576.303 CPD 20-08
  • Match and reporting requirements See 24 CFR 576.201 and 576.500
  • Monitoring and risk assessment See 24 CFR 576.501 – 576.200
  • Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, 78 Fed. Reg. 78589, Dec. 26, 2013 (commonly known as the “OMB Omni Circular”)
  • Shelter and housing standards See 24 CFR 576.403, and 92.504
  • Evaluation of program participant eligibility and needs. See 24 CFR 576.401
  • Policies and procedures relating to the Homeless Management Information System (“HMIS”); HMIS components and functions; record keeping. HMIS reporting that will track supported services provided at the client level and required quarterly and annual reporting for compliance tracking and HUD required annual reporting.
  • Means of carrying out grant activities See 24 CFR 576.202
  • Victims of Domestic Violence 24 CFR 576.409
  • Environmental review and other cross-cutting federal regulations See 24 CFR 576.407
  • Displacement and temporary relocation See 24 CFR 576.408
  • Equal Participation of faith-based organizations See 24 CFR 576.406
  • Fiscal soundness assessment and performance review See 24 CFR 576.501, 24 CFR 92.250 and CPD Notice 14-08

The manual will also incorporate the existing DHS and new ADFA ESG Program forms and documents described in the previous section. All materials produced by the consulting team must meet all applicable HUD regulations, including without limitation Title 24, Part 576 of the Code of Federal Regulations, and comply with all other federal, state, and local statutes and regulations.

All policies, documents, manuals, forms, and recommendations will become the property of ADFA in perpetuity and may not be used by the firm for any other set of studies without prior written approval.


  • A. Proposals must include an original transmittal letter on the firm’s business letterhead signed in ink by a representative authorized to contractually bind the firm to the proposal.
  • B. General Firm Information

        Provide a brief description of your firm, including but not limited to the following:
    • Name of the principal(s) of the firm.
    • Name, telephone number, and email address of a representative of the firm authorized to discuss the proposal.
    • Address(es) of all offices of the firm.
    • Number of employees of the firm.
    • Statement of whether there are any ongoing, pending, or potential legal actions against the firm.
  • C. Professional Capacity
  1. Describe your firm and its capabilities. In particular, support your capacity to develop written policies and procedures specific to the ESG Program and other federal requirements set forth in 24 CRF 576.100 through 24 CRF 576.109.
  2. Detail the firm’s direct experience in providing expertise, consulting services and technical assistance in all aspects of the ESG Program, including direct experience in developing handbooks, policies and procedures, and/or administrative guidance for the ESG Program.
  3. Indicate which principals and associates from your firm would be involved in providing services to ADFA. Provide appropriate background information for each such person and identify his or her responsibilities. Principals and associates involved in providing servicing under this project require a minimum of five years’ experience with the ESG Program. State the location of the office from which the services will be provided when not provided on-site.
  4. Provide a detailed list of a minimum of three references including a contact name, email address, and telephone number for organizations or businesses for whom you have performed similar work.
  5. Identify any conflict of interest that may arise as a result of business activities or ventures by your firm and associates of your firm, employees, or subcontractors as a result of any individual’s status as a member of the board of directors of any organization likely to interact with ADFA.
  • D. Fee Structure

    The cost of services is one of the factors that will be considered in awarding this contract. Please provide a thorough breakdown of your proposed fees for this engagement. The information provided must support the reasonableness of your fees. ADFA is interested in a fixed fee arrangement but would consider other options, such as an hourly rate with a “do not exceed” cap.
  • E. Approach, Plan of Work, and Timeline

    Explain the firm’s approach and suggested work plan. Suggest project milestones and provide estimates of project start dates and the time to completion.
  • F. Miscellaneous

    Include work samples and fully executed Exhibit A, which is attached hereto. Discuss any topics not covered in this RFP that you would like to bring to ADFA’s attention.


As a public body with statewide responsibility for housing, ADFA currently operates several programs to provide safe and affordable housing for residents and families and to foster economic development throughout Arkansas. ADFA is a fully self-supporting, quasi-governmental agency and as such, receives no appropriations from the State of Arkansas, is not a State spending unit, nor is it required to purchase through the State purchasing office or procurement procedures.

ADFA reserves the right to select the proposal most responsive to ADFA’s needs. ADFA may invite one or more finalists to have key personnel who would be engaged in the provision of the services make presentation(s) and/or discuss the proposal. ADFA will not be liable for expenses incurred in attending any such interview.

ADFA will conduct contract negotiations with the firm whose proposal is deemed most responsive to ADFA’s needs. Until ADFA acts formally to approve a contract, and until such contract is signed by both parties, ADFA is legally obligated in no respect.

By this Request for Proposals, ADFA has not committed itself to undertake the work set forth. ADFA reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, the right not to award the contract to the lowest and most responsive bidder, the right to require new proposals by rebidding the original or amended scope of services, and the right to enter into negotiations with one or more respondents. ADFA reserves the right to request additional information or clarifications and to allow corrections of errors and omissions. ADFA reserves the right to make those decisions after receipt of responses. ADFA’s decision on these matters is final. ADFA anticipates selecting the most qualified bidder, not awarding the contract, or requiring new proposals on or before September 30, 2024.

All materials submitted in response to this RFP become the property of ADFA and will be returned only at the option of ADFA. ADFA reserves the right to use any or all ideas presented in any response to the RFP, and selection or rejection of the proposal does not affect this right.

The successful respondent must maintain all licenses, permits, and other authorizations necessary to provide the needed services as required by federal, state, or local laws.

A Certificate of Insurance evidencing the minimum requirements set out in Exhibit A must be provided to and accepted by ADFA prior to commencement of any work. Any exceptions to ADFA’s standard language must be identified in the proposal.

For additional information contact: Lori Brockway, Federal Housing Programs Manager, lori.brockway@arkansas.gov or call 501.682.3339.


Certifications, Guarantees, and Warranties

By signing below, the Firm certifies to the following:

  1. The person signing the proposal and this certification is entitled to represent the Firm, empowered to submit the bid, and authorized to sign a contract with ADFA.
  2. The Firm maintains or will obtain Workers’ Compensation Insurance as required by Arkansas state law and Employer’s liability insurance, including deliberate intent, with a minimum limit of $1,000,000 for each accident for any employees.
  3. The Firm maintains Commercial General Liability Insurance with a combined single limit of $1,000,000 each occurrence for bodily injury and property damage.
  4. The Firm agrees to furnish all equipment, tools, and fully trained personnel necessary to properly perform the services specified in the RFP and agrees to perform all said services in a timely, professional, and competent manner.
  5. The Firm has successfully completed a minimum of three (3) projects of similar nature and scope to those in the RFP within the past five (5) years.
  6. The Firm certifies it can and will provide and make available, at a minimum, all services set forth in this Request for Proposals.
  7. The Firm warrants that it is willing and able to comply with the State of Arkansas laws with respect to foreign (non-state of Arkansas) corporations.
  8. The Firm warrants that it has an errors and omissions insurance policy providing a prudent amount of coverage for the willful or negligent acts or omissions of any officers, employees, or agents thereof.
  9. The Firm warrants that it will not delegate or subcontract its responsibilities under any agreement resulting from the award of the RFP without the prior written permission of ADFA.
  10. The Firm warrants that all information provided by it in connection with this proposal is true and accurate.

Authorized Signature and Date


Printed Name and Title

